

●About Sandy McIntosh


About Sandy

Sandy McIntosh writes: “When I was in junior high school, my mother wanted me to become an electronics engineer, despite my abysmal math scores. What I liked to do, however, was to write. But I wanted to please her, so, when it was time to take a vocational preference test, I did my best to skew the results. A couple of weeks later, when the tests were released, my mother was greatly disappointed. The test declared that I was destined to become a journalist. That, or a cowboy.
“Over the years I’ve written and published poetry and non-fiction, edited a Chinese cooking magazine, worked as a college professor and a graphics designer, as well as helped create software programs that, happily are still selling, such as Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!.
“My books include: 237 More Reasons to Have Sex (with Denise Duhamel), Forty-Nine Guaranteed Ways To Escape Death, The After-Death History of My Mother, Between Earth and Sky, Endless Staircase, Earth Works, Which Way to the Egress?Ernesta, In the Style of the Flamenco, plus two chapbooks (Obsessional and Monsters of the Antipodes). My non-fiction includes Firing Back (with Jodie-Beth Galos), From A Chinese Kitchen, and The Poets in the Poets-In-The-Schools. I’ve also edited the Selected Poems of H.R. Hays. My poetry and essays have been published in The New York Times, Newsday, The Nation, the Wall Street Journal, American Book Review, and many other places. My original poetry in a film script won the Silver Medal in the Film Festival of the Americas. I was for a decade Managing Editor of Confrontation magazine published by Long Island University, and am now publisher of Marsh Hawk Press.”

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●About Thomas Fink


Thomas Fink, Born in New York City in 1954,received a B.A. from Princeton University and a ph.D. from Columbia University in English. He is  the author of two books of criticism, including "A Different Sense of Power": Problems of Community in Late-Twentieth Century U.S. Poetry (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickison University Press, 2001),and six books of poetry, most recently Clarity and Other Poems (Marsh HawkPress, 2008) and Autopsy Turvy, a book of poems coauthored with Maya Diablo Mason (Meritage Press, 2010), as well as an e-chapbook and two chapbooks that appeared in 2009.In 2011, Marsh Hawk Press published Peace Conference.  Fink is the co-editor of Burning Interiors: David Shapiro's Poetry and Poetics (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2007) and Literature Around the Globe (Dubuque,IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1994). His poem, "Yinglish Strophes IX," was chosen by Heather McHugh and David Lehman for The Best American Poetry 2007 (Scribner's).He has published over 180 reviews, interviews, and articles in numerous journals, including Contemporary Literature, Barrow Street, Boston Review, American Poetry Review, Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly, Exchange Values,Jacket, Minnesota Review, Milk, Otoliths, Slope, Talisman, Twentieth Century Literature, Verse, and Word for/ Word.His paintings hang in various collections. Fink is professor of English at City University of New York -LaGuardia.  
                                                                                          (Picture by Maya Diablo Mason)

にほんブログ村 ポエムブログ 英語詩へ




プリンストン大学にてB.A.(文学士号)、コロンビア大学にてPh.D.(博士号)取得。詩集「No Appointment Necessary(Moria potry,2006)、「After Taxes」(Marsh Hawk Press,2004)、評論「The Poetry of David Shapiro1993)、「A Different Sense of Power(Fairleigh Dickinson UP,2001)、など著書多数。フィンクの詩、「Yinglish Strophes IX」は、ヘザー・マクヒューと、ディビッド・レーマンによって、ザ・ベスト・アメリカンポエトリー2007に選ばれる。フィンクの批評、作品はアメリカの数多くの文芸専門誌に掲載。また、画家としても多くの作品を発表している。詩集「AUTOPSY TURVY」(Maritage Press, 2010)は、フィンクの次女マヤ・ダブロ・メイソンとのコラボレーション。最新詩集は「PEACE CONFERENCE」(Marsh Hawk Press)。フィンクの作品の日本語による翻訳は2011年現在、当サイト、「QUINCE WHARF」のみで発表。
(絵 by Maya Diablo Mason)
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